Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Honey Must Be Differentiated From Other Sugars

"...Think about it. Which sugar amongst all sugars fits this behaviour - it is anabolic, medicinal, antiseptic, anti-cancer, gentle on blood sugar, friendliest to our liver, the most ideal fuel for burning body fats, and has many healing effects? None, except honey. Hence, it must be differentiated from other sugars, and its health benefits must become common knowledge. Taste aside (though I vote it as the tastiest sugar, sweetest medicine), I believe bee's sugar is the best, nature-given sugar for our body, yet probably most forgotten and neglected sweetener. While the bees play a critical role as pollinators for many agricultural crops in maintaining a balanced eco-system, they also have one very important work - yielding a sweet sticky liquid that man can eat for health.

Parents, be informed on the effects of different sugars and take action. No one is going to care and plan more for your children's health than you, not the schools, not the food authorities, and not the doctors. I believe this natural sugar can help us and the future generations turn away from refined HFCS and the host of harmful artificial sweeteners that are wreaking much havoc on the human body. Pass the word around about what the bees have given us, convert as many of your friends and loved ones as possible before they get whirled into the confusing and deceptive world of sugars..."

Source: http://www.benefits-of-honey.com/honey.html